God Answered a Pray Today on What I Just Wrote

God Answered a Pray Today on What I Just Wrote

An AI Platform that is more accurate.

Here is an on-going account to what happened to me today. I had first posted the sermon, Statism given by Pastor John Weaver. Which you can see in to posts before this. Then, I commented on how AI could not summarize correctly what the sermon was about. I had written that it’s probably due to not being “politically correct.”

Now, I did not pray consciously about finding a solution but obviously God knew what I needed. So, after about 1-2 hours after posting the last post, I was on YouTube and a video appeared to my right of using AI to summarize PDF files.

I saw that this was guy on some other AI platform and I did not know about. He started off by saying that if you do a google search with the subject of what you are looking for, followed by the colon : and followed by PDF you’ll find a list of PDFs on that topic. This is more informative as usually PDFs focus right on the topic verse random websites.

He went on to say that you just put your PDF on this site and it will analysis it. So, I gave it a try to see if it does a better job than the Platform.openai that I used.

And boy, it got right to the point.

You can ask questions about the PDF in question and it will give you the answers. So I asked another question and got what I wanted. In short, this program, which is called ChatPDF, can be found at: chatpdf.com As of now, this is free to use.

Why would this be of interest to you?

I’m sure that you are short of time and would like to find out the highlights of an article or book without reading through it. Or, you might simply want to know if it’s worth your time reading it. Well, this program will do it.

I pray that in time this platform will not be controlled by leftist leaning owners or programmers where it will become useless on subjects that are considered “controversial” so, in the meantime, it’s a program you might want to use.

If what you want to read is not in PDF format, no problem. All you have to do is, ‘copy-and-paste’ it in Word or the free Open Office, then convert it to PDF format, then upload it to chatpdf.com

I hope that this helps you and is an aide for you searching biblical truths or other truths out there where you would like a summary of.

Below this video is what ChatPDF wrote.



YouTube where I found this:

Chat with Statism.pdf

Welcome to this helpful PDF file! In this document, we will explore the concept of statism and its origins in Genesis chapter 10. By understanding the principles outlined in this message, you will gain insight into the current state of our society.

Example questions:
What is the definition of statism and how does it relate to the story of Nimrod in Genesis chapter 10?

How can understanding the principles of statism help us navigate the current political climate?

This PDF explores the concept of statism and its origins in Genesis chapter 10. Statism is a political philosophy that emphasizes the power and authority of the state over individual freedoms. It is rooted in the story of Nimrod, who attempted to build a tower to reach heaven and establish his own authority over God.

The PDF argues that statism is idolatry and ultimately leads to totalitarianism and tyranny. As humanistic control and philosophy progress, the state becomes more apostate and rebellious towards the one true God in order to elevate itself to truth. The state’s most potent weapon is force, which can be dangerous if not kept in check.

The PDF also emphasizes the importance of standing for truth, even if everyone else stands against it. Just because someone has more weapons or is stronger does not mean they are right. We must remember that might does not make right.

While the PDF does not provide specific steps for combating statism, it encourages readers to understand its principles and effects on society. By recognizing its influence, we can resist its effects on our lives and communities.

Overall, this PDF serves as a warning against the dangers of statism and encourages readers to stand for truth in the face of oppressive ideologies.

How does Nimrod compare to the present government?

The given pages do not provide a direct comparison between Nimrod and the present government. However, the PDF argues that statism, which is rooted in Nimrod’s attempt to establish his own authority over God, can lead to totalitarianism and tyranny. The PDF encourages readers to understand the principles of statism and its effects on society in order to resist its influence. Therefore, it is up to the reader to draw their own conclusions about how the principles of statism may or may not apply to their present government.

About revealed4you

First and foremost I'm a Christian and believe that the Bible is the inspired word of Yahweh God. Introducing people to the Bible through the flat earth facts.
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