AI Inaccurate Response

Programs What Its Master Wants

AI Machine

This is how AI summarized the sermon given on Statism. Does this sound like it’s accurate? Not to me. You can see that AI is programmed to give responses that are “approved” by the State.

Here is what AI said in the program called Playground, by OpenAI, which is also the owner of ChatAI.

My query is in bold.

Write and summary of what this article is about in 500 words. The article is at: (I gave the link to.)

This article is about the idea of statism and how its current form came to be. Statism is defined as the belief in a strong hand of government, or state, which centralizes the power of a people or nation. It traces its origins back to ancient times, when the state was viewed as having a divine right to rule and enforce its will upon its people.

The article examines how statism has evolved throughout the centuries, tracing its roots from early civilizations such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks, through the Roman Empire, to the modern state. By learning about past forms of statism, it is evident that modern governments have their foundations in these ancient regimes.

The article examines the aspects of statism which continue to be seen in contemporary societies. These include the authority of the state, the right to request obedience from its citizens, as well as the potential for the abuse of power. While modern democracies offer more power to citizens than was possible in earlier days, the state remains in control, and it is essential that this power does not become oppressive.

The article concludes by discussing the initiatives which have been put in place to curb state power and promote freedom. These include constitutional documents in many countries, such as the United States

In the above article, only add the thoughts of the author, including the problem we have today with government.

The article goes on to discuss the current issues regarding statism, such as its continued presence in contemporary societies despite the foundations of modern governments being in the regimes of the past. The article states that ‘the power of the state, and of its rulers, still remains and is not always dealt with in a proper way’. Therefore, it has become necessary for governments to put in place initiatives which promote freedom and protect citizens from oppressive power. These include, for example, constitutional documents such as the United States Constitution, as well as organizations and forces such as the United Nations and NATO.

The article reiterates the importance of citizen’s rights being respected by the state, but at the same time, warns against giving too much power to the citizenry, for the risk of anarchy instead of freedom. Ultimately, it is important that the balance between statism and liberty be kept in check.  By understanding the roots of statism and having conscious oversight, it might be possible to facilitate the government’s enforcement of policy without infringing upon personal liberties.


Does the above sound accurate? No, if you listened to the sermon on Statism.

In short, all AI platforms that I know of are programmed to be “politically correct.” They are not writing against the status quo; they are mere tools of their communist-leaning masters.

If this was an employee that kept writing summaries like this he would be fired; he would be thought of as not too bright if he was not doing this with criminal intent.

About revealed4you

First and foremost I'm a Christian and believe that the Bible is the inspired word of Yahweh God. Introducing people to the Bible through the flat earth facts.
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